Thursday, July 19, 2018

Busy Campers

After a full day of merit badge classes yesterday, the camp delivered each troop a fried chicken dinner to our campsites.  The fried chicken got rave reviews from our kids.  And in keeping with a Troop 1523 summer camp tradition, we invited another troop to join us for an ice cream social.  We invited our neighbors in camp who are from Culpepper, Virginia.  Mr. Dunn graciously drove out and brought the ice cream and genuine Cherry Wine soda.  We served the ice cream from the back of his truck to our 32 boys and their 26.  The two troops took turns performing skits and telling stories and jokes. It was a great time.  After ice cream we headed to the amphitheater for an elaborate Order of the Arrow all-camp campfire ceremony involving Native American chanting, fire arrows, canoes and ceremonial costumes.  To cap off the busy day, we had our own troop campfire after the ceremony.

The pictures of the adult leaders with dummies have an explanation. Some of the adults at camp have been busy getting trained in various skills.  A few of us are now certified in CPR. 

Today, before Mr. Buch left us, we all sang happy birthday to Ben and ate yummy brownies and cookies prepared by Mrs. Buch and brought down to us by Mr. Dalton.  It was a fantastic surprise for Ben. 

Today was a bit of a changing of the guard as Mr. Dunn and Mr. Buch were replaced by Mr. Dalton, Mr. Sanders and Mr. Petrella.  All the adults have been fantastic leaders and support for the patrols.  I thank them for all the great support and camaraderie.


1 comment:

  1. Skits, jokes, fire arrows, making new friends, camp fires galore, fried chicken, ice cream, cookies, brownies and cherry wine soda..who wouldn’t love scout camp!
